
Business Loans Bole Toh Sirf Financekaart

Trusted by over 2,00,000 businesses across 4000+ cities and towns. Loans worth over 14,000 crores sanctioned so far. Lightning-fast. No collateral.

Check your eligibility now

Do you have business registration proof
How old is your business
Type of business
Monthly Sales

Why Financekaart?

Superfast processing

within 72 hours

No collateral required

No risk of any asset loss

Fair, Transparent

from 1.25% per month

Avail business loans sitting at home

We care for your convenience

Simple application process

  1. Check your eligibility

    with just a few details, check your eligibility for a business loan
  2. Upload documents

    complete your application by uploading few documents
  3. Get a loan offer

    we will evaluate & propose a fair loan offer to you
  4. Sign your loan agreement

    send us the signed agreement along with your kyc documents
  5. Grow your business

    You will get the funds in your account after verification

Documents we require

PAN Card
Aadhar Card
Bank Statement
Registration Proof
Partnership Deed*
Company PAN*
Udhyan Certificate*
* Financekaart

Terms we offer*

Loan Amount
: ₹50 Thousands - ₹ 1 Crore
Interest Rates**
: 1 - 3% per month
Loan Tenure
: 3 month - 3 years
Pre-Closure Fee***
: ₹0/-
* Preclosures are only allowed after the first EMI is paid in full
** Based on the health of your business, revenues and annual turnover
*** Preclosure charges may be applicable on a case-to-case basis.